Väkivaltaa Kokeneet Miehet

Väkivaltaa Kokeneet Miehet is a service for men who have experienced physical or psychological violence at home or in public. The service is available remotely by phone or email or via Teams, and in the form of individual counseling and guided peer group meetings.

Violence can be experienced in the form of psychological or physical violence and abuse. Psychological violence includes abusive behavior such as belittling, verbal abuse, and threats. Physical violence includes, for example, acts of hitting, throwing an object at or grabbing another person.

Violence against men is common and often leads not only to physical injuries but also psychological symptoms such as fear, anxiety, worry, and depression. With the help of our counselors and peer support groups, men can process their experiences of violence and begin to heal from these symptoms. They will also learn ways to avoid situations that potentially lead to violence. The service is available for any man who has been exposed to acts of violence by strangers, family members, or, for example, customers. Moreover, the service allows men to process both recent and past experiences of violence.

The service is confidential and free of charge.

Our counselors also offer consultations and training related to men and violence.


You can contact our counselors by calling our help line, sending an email, or filling out our contact form below.

Phone: Call our help line at 044 751 1340. Service hours: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. If you are calling outside of our regular service hours, you can leave a voicemail, and we will call you back.

Email: vakivaltaa.kokeneet.miehet(at)miessakit.fi

Miessakit ry | Väkivaltaa kokeneet miehet
Annankatu 16 B 28
00120 Helsinki